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ADQ, Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi and Archireef successfully deploy innovative marine biodiversity restoration solution off the shore of Abu Dhabi


  • First outplantation project of its kind in the UAE and the wider region is aimed at providing a lifeline to coral reefs that are adversely impacted by external stressors.
  • Marine biodiversity restoration project validates ADQ’s goal to contribute to the preservation of habitats and species and supports its wider ESG aspirations.
  • Further cements the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi’s position as a leader in marine biodiversity restoration in the region.

ADQ, an Abu Dhabi-based investment and holding company, the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD), the region’s largest environmental regulator, and Archireef, a climate technology company headquartered in Hong Kong, announce the successful deployment of artificial 3D-printed terracotta-based reef tiles intended to aid coral restoration in the Arabian Gulf off the shore of Abu Dhabi.

The partnership between ADQ and Archireef announced in November 2022 funds research and development of eco-engineering solutions for marine biodiversity restoration, combining scientific research with the use of latest technologies in 3D printing, IoT, and AI. Through the partnership with Archireef, ADQ aims to capture opportunities in innovative areas that simultaneously benefit the environment and mitigate climate change-related risks, while contributing to the preservation of habitats and species under the umbrella of its wider ESG aspirations.

The project is an innovative addition to the efforts of EAD, whose marine ecosystem preservation and rehabilitation initiatives rank among the top ten global initiatives, according to the United Nations Environment Programme. The Agency provided the project with logistical support and expertise, and the team of coral experts from EAD worked closely with ADQ and Archireef on assessing and selecting the site, providing corals to the project from EAD’s in situ coral nursery.

The tiles were designed by a team of marine biologists and architects and produced through custom 3D clay printing in Archireef’s new production facility in an economic zone under KEZAD Group. In contrast to other types of artificial reefs, the clay-based reef structures are environmentally friendly and engineered to closely mimic the natural pattern of corals and prevent sedimentation build up, which is a major threat for corals.

The outplantation site, selected in partnership with EAD, is a marine protected area near Um Khorah Island in Al Dhafra Region in Abu Dhabi featuring 40 square meters of reef tiles housing around 1,200 coral fragments grown in specialized nurseries owned by EAD. The deployment of the tiles was completed by a team of seven scuba divers over the course of five days. Continuous monitoring of the deployment site will provide data on the performance of the corals, including photographic updates to capture the recruitment of fish populations.

Anas Jawdat Albarguthi, Chief Operating Officer at ADQ, said: “Our partnership with Archireef brings a unique and innovative coral restoration method to Abu Dhabi to safeguard our Emirate’s natural environment and promote sustainable development. It is a memorable moment for ADQ to be part of this project providing a lifeline to endangered coral reefs, which is the first of its kind in the UAE and the wider region. Underlining our commitment to adopting practical solutions powered by R&D and innovation to address environmental challenges, this biodiversity restoration initiative aligns with our ESG aspirations, and we believe it will have a positive impact not only on our planet but also on local communities we operate in.”

Ahmed Al Hashemi, Executive Director, Terrestrial and Marine Biodiversity sector at EAD, said: “This project highlights the importance of embracing the use of innovative technologies to assist in the restoration of marine biodiversity. Partnerships between the private and government sectors are key to ensuring the protection of vulnerable habitats and research into species such as coral reefs. This specific project is an extension of all our marine restoration initiatives and our region’s first coral reef restoration project in particular. Furthermore, it is part of our efforts towards climate change adaptation and mitigation which is a priority for us at EAD, especially with the UAE hosting COP28 this year.”

Vriko Yu, Co-Founder and CEO at Archireef, added: “With reference to the industry-leading coral survivorship levels of 95 per cent which we accomplished in a comparable project in Hong Kong, there is good reason to believe that the Abu Dhabi marine ecosystem will derive similar benefits from the deployment of our innovative terracotta-based reef tiles. As the Emirate ramps up climate change mitigation efforts in line with national objectives and targets, we hope to make a contribution to biodiversity restoration. From a biological perspective, our tiles offer corals the critically important foundation to settle on, which is the basis for rebuilding and rebalancing the fragile marine ecosystem.”

As the most diverse ecosystems on Earth supporting the largest number of aquatic species per unit area, coral reefs increasingly enjoy special protection from governments and engaged private sector players. Abu Dhabi waters are known to house 34 different types of hard coral. Around the world, coral presence has been observed to have declined over the past decade. Abu Dhabi is no exception; in 2017 alone, the Emirate lost 73 percent of its reefs due to mass coral bleaching, caused by an increase in water temperature.

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About ADQ

Established in 2018, ADQ is an Abu Dhabi-based investment and holding company with a broad portfolio of major enterprises. Its investments span key sectors of the UAE’s diversified economy including energy and utilities, food and agriculture, healthcare and life sciences, and mobility and logistics, amongst others. As a strategic partner of Abu Dhabi’s government, ADQ is committed to accelerating the transformation of the Emirate into a globally competitive and knowledge-based economy.

For more information, visit adq.ae or write to media@adq.ae. You can also follow ADQ on X, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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