ADQ’s portfolio
We develop economic clusters that capture synergies and enhance trade flows to create long-term value.
Energy & Utilities
As global demand for energy increases, governments and businesses are increasingly taking action to achieve decarbonization targets. Going forward, the energy mix is projected to shift considerably.
Food & Agriculture
Enhancing resilience in food supply has become ever more important, with the ongoing climate change crisis impacting food security across the globe. ADQ is building national champions and investing in regional and international businesses that can, together, establish the foundation for food security in the UAE and the wider region.
Healthcare & Life Sciences
The healthcare system in the UAE has significantly evolved over the past 50 years. ADQ is building a provision-centered digitally enhanced healthcare and life sciences ecosystem that is anchored in world-class clinical excellence.
Transport & Logistics
Located at the crossroads of East and West, the UAE is at the intersection of trade routes between Asia, Africa, and Europe. Through its strategic investments in assets from ports to airlines, ADQ is playing a vital role in deepening Abu Dhabi’s connectivity with the rest of the world.
Financial Services
A world-class financial services ecosystem and robust capital markets are an integral part of a globally competitive and diversified economy. Through its assets and investments, ADQ contributes to strengthening Abu Dhabi's financial services sector.
Real Estate Investments
Real Estate Investments services play a vital role in shaping Abu Dhabi’s engagement with stakeholders from around the world. In addition to driving excellence in tourism, ADQ is making strategic investments in the entertainment and real estate sectors to leverage compelling market opportunities.
ADQ by the numbers
Contribution to Abu Dhabi's
non-oil GDP in 2022
non-oil GDP in 2022
Portfolio companies