Energy & Utilities
As global demand for energy increases, the UAE is committed to navigating a clear path to meeting energy security needs while creating sustainable pathways.
As we advance, the energy mix is projected to shift considerably, influencing an increasing focus on large-scale investments in renewable energy, resulting in enhanced energy efficiency.
Abu Dhabi National Energy Company TAQA
Emirates Nuclear Energy Company ENEC
Emirates Water and Electricity Company EWEC
Tadweer Group
Spearheading performance across
Abu Dhabi's industrial sector
In supporting Abu Dhabi achieve its target of diverting 75 per cent of waste away from landfills, we make strategic investments in waste management infrastructure to enhance Abu Dhabi’s waste treatment, recycling, and disposal initiatives to reduce the nation’s environmental impact in the utilities sector.
Supporting the development of a circular economy, EWEC and Tadweer Group are creating one of the region’s largest waste-to-energy power plants. The power plant will generate enough electricity to power up to 22,500 UAE households and is expected to lower CO2 emissions by up to 1.5 million tons per year.